Hi, I am Marek McKenna.
Chief Lead Generator at Quantum Digital Consulting.
Since 2005, I have helped owners around the world generate more inbound leads so they can grow their businesses with out complications and tech overload.
You see….
I started working in technology when I was in the Army way back in the 1980s. I can’t really talk about it much due to the security clearance thing, but I will say I sat on the roof of the Pentagon and made sure no one listened into the Generals’ phone calls.
After I got out the Army I ran a small business, which had a million dollars in sales. From there I started my own company. I did pretty well, I made 4 times what my dad did in his business so that was cool, but I was away from my little kids too much so sold the company.
I went back to school, finished the degree I started before I went into Army and picked up a couple of graduate degrees along the way.
For a graduate course I had to design a website as part of the homework, and even though I was still on a dial up connection, this whole internet thing totally grabbed me by the collar and hasn’t let me go.
While still in graduate school, I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time and got involved with online education at a large for-profit education company. I started as a professor, in fact I taught online classes for nearly two decades.
Because of my leadership, business background, and educational qualifications I progressed pretty rapidly up the corporate ladder and eventually held a C-Level position at one of the largest online education providers in the country. I supervised a team of 200, and the company generated $500,000,000 in annual revenue. Then I decided to go out on my own and start the company that would become Quantum Digital Consulting Company.
In the early days, our focus was on people, systems, processes, and just helping small businesses operate more efficiently.
We did some really terrific work, and I am very proud of how we helped our clients.
But here’s the thing….
People, systems, and processes are big bleeping deal no one really wants to buy that service.
I went out on hundreds if not thousands of sales meetings, and the feedback from nearly every prospect and client was always the same.
“Dude, you are a really nice guy, and I know I need that stuff, but unless my phone starts ringing with new prospects I am never going to be to afford you.”
So instead of trying to fit a square peg in a round whole I decided to give the marketplace exactly what they wanted… I started making their phones ring!
We started doing this with simple websites that were unbelievably easy to rank a decade ago. Then Google started tightening up its search algorithm and we adjusted our best practices.
We upped our game and started doing high level SEO and marketing. We continue to stay on top of the best practices in the SEO world, we speak at and attend SEO conferences, we stay on top of our own professional development, and just for fun we read Google’s patents.
But in 2016, we started to see the early signs that there was a major change on the digital marketing horizon happening.
…and like our trusty GPS we recalibrated our route….
More and more users were using mobile devices to search for local companies.
Ranking websites became harder and harder. It became harder to guarantee results when offering search engine optimization.
At the end of the day, clients really didn’t care where their website was ranked…
they only cared that they were getting more inbound leads to their business.
So made a pivot again, and doubled-down on lead generation for our clients.
So we immersed ourselves in learning the platforms, honing our skills, and well frankly just becoming pretty bad-ass at this Lead Generation thing.
It is pretty common for us to walk in and 10x, 20x, or more a business’ revenue in 30 days.
All we do is make people’s phones ring.
Join me now and I will show how it works
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